domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2009

Brides wanted

In India, like most of the countries, the most important celebration in a family is the wedding. But there is a big different between the Indian weddings and the Western countries ones. For Western people the marriages are the union between two people. In India, on the other hand, a marriage is the union between two families. For this reason, parents have the main responsability of finding the right partner. There are also "love marriages" but most of them (maybe about 80%) are still "arranged marriages", that means weddings pacted by families.It is said that some years ago barbers had this role of finding partners but nowadays are parents who look for a girl among friends, neighbours, in matrimonial agencies, in Internet o just in the newspaper. It is interesting reading on weekends the Matrimonials section in the newspapers. There are three or four pages with "brides wanted" advertisements or "bridegrooms on offer". Most of them notice something similar to: "Wanted beatiful, slim and smart girl, convented educated. Caste no bar. Send photograph and complete biodata". Psychologists could have had a lot of work helping to find the right candidate if this job wasn't already made by astrologers!

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