domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2009


In India, like in other countries, you must resolve the price of things before buying them. It doesn't happen in the supermarkets, of course, neither in malls nor in fancy shops but it happens in most of clothes shops or street shops. If you ask for a price the first one that the seller will tell you will be two or three times the right one. But they try, just in case you pay it. But if you turn to go away, immediately the seller falls the price. Then, if you are really interested, you must discuss the price until you and the seller are both agree. Despite the bargaining, many times, I doubt about if I payed the right price or I payed more just for being a foreigner. For this reason I've invented a new buying method. When I want buying something I wait next to the seller until a local person comes and buys. Obviosuly I take notice of the amount he pays. Then I take that I want, and without any bargaining, I pay the same. Of course the seller can't say nothing.

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